Friday, February 5, 2010


The other day, I heard that Bruce Springsteen was a plaintiff in an ASCAP lawsuit against a New York City club because a band performing there did some Springsteen covers, and the club didn't pay the proper royalty fees. I didn't write about it, because it sounded too ridiculous.  This is a guy who claims that his life was saved by playing Creedence Clearwater Revival covers in bars! When Bruce did the speech at Creedence's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he said of "Proud Mary," "It was simply a great song that everybody liked and it literally saved our asses on many occasions." I doubt Bruce was paying royalty bills back then!

Anyway, he posted a statement about the suit on his website today, saying that he had no knowledge that ASCAP was going to use his name in the lawsuit, that if he was asked, he wouldn't let them use his name, and he's made ASCAP take his name off of the lawsuit. You would think that the folks at ASCAP would know better, but maybe some lawyer was under the squeeze to make some money for the company. Still, you would think they would know that you just don't throw Bruce's name around like that!

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